From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Moving parts around

Moving parts around

- [Instructor] So now I have my assembly file. I brought in all of my components and you can see here's my valve ASM. These are all of the components I brought in. There's my housing, which is fixed. As I brought in the housing because it was the first component, the system asked me to fix it so it applied a constraint. Here I want to talk about moving the components around. Sometimes it's easier to move a component around, get it close to where it needs to be, and then apply the constraints. For example, this cover. This cover is sitting somewhere in the middle of the part. If I want to move this, I just come over here and hit move component. It's going to ask me components to move. What do I want to move? I want to move this and then I specify how do I want to move it. Specify my orientation, just click down here. Now this, with Dynamic, just simply allows me to move this around. I can take this, grab it, move it, and just kind of get it close to where it needs to be. As you can…
