From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Making a solid

Making a solid

- [Lecturer] So the next step of our workflow is to take this sketch we created in the previous video and make a solid out of it. Here I'm just gonna simply make an extrusion. So I'm gonna select on my Extrude tool. Specify the sketch that I wanna use. Now before I actually pick the sketch I wanna make my selection intent known, in this case Connected Curves. I'm gonna pick my sketch. I enter in the values that I wanna start and end at. Ill start out at zero, and I will go all the way up to 50. Once I enter in the values that I wanna go to I just simply select Okay, to make my initial solid. I'm just gonna right mouse click now and do a Fit to bring the solid up so we can take at look at the actual size proportions of said solid just created.
