From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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File organization

File organization

- [Instructor] Now I need to talk a little bit about data organization. In NX world, we use tools called Layers. Now we have a fixed amount of them, there are 256 of them. Currently, everything that we create goes onto what's called a Work Layer and that Work Layer, once it's set, everything goes to it, everything. So we need to separate things out to make sure that we're not overly filling a Layer. Maybe we wanna separate our sketches. Maybe we have additional geometry curves. Maybe there's something in there, additional solids you're using as background, whatever that may be, you wanna make sure you separate the data out. Now there's pretty much a golden rule when it comes to Layers within NX. I'm gonna go into View and right over here you'll see I have a few things for Layers. This is a Work Layer, that's currently set to 100. We go from one to 256. I just happened to have mine set to 100, you may have a different standard where you work. The Move to Layer function allows me to…
