From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Entering and exiting Sketcher

Entering and exiting Sketcher - Siemens NX Tutorial

From the course: Learning Siemens NX

Entering and exiting Sketcher

- [Instructor] So in the previous video, I made a new sketch. Now, if I have a sketch that already exists and I need to make a modification to it, change it, do something to that sketch, I need to double click on it. I don't want to make a new sketch, you want to make a modification to an existing sketch. So the right way to do that is to simply double click on that sketch. Once I double click, I'm entering back into that Sketcher application. You'll see once again, I'm inside of Sketch. I've seen it in the past where someone hits that icon, goes to the Sketch task environment and they accidentally make a new sketch, rather than a modification to the existing sketch, and they just end up stacking sketch on top of sketch on top of sketch. We wanna stay away from that. So if you see it in the tree, or in the window, just double click on it to make those modifications. Now that I'm back inside of my sketcher, you'll see, once again, the top tells me I'm in the Sketch application, I have…
