From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Drawing page setup and creating views

Drawing page setup and creating views - Siemens NX Tutorial

From the course: Learning Siemens NX

Drawing page setup and creating views

- [Instructor] So now we've completed our assembly. We made the modifications, we've constrained our components, put everything in place, now we need to make a drawing out of this. So the easiest way to make a drawing is to simply have the part or assembly open that you want to make a drawing from, then go into file, ew, go into the drawing tab here. You wanna make sure your units are set correctly. Pick the file size, or the drawing size, I apologize. Then make sure you're saving it into the correct folder, so you just navigate to that folder. Something else that's important to note is in NX land, I've talked a little bit about this before, all part files, everything is a .prt. Everything is a .prt. There's no different extension for drawing, so you have to have some sort of name differentiator for the drawing somewhere in the name. It needs to be changed, it has to have it. You can't get away from it. Now in this case, I have my set up so it automatically puts _dwg1. You may have…
