From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Dimensional constraints

Dimensional constraints - Siemens NX Tutorial

From the course: Learning Siemens NX

Dimensional constraints

- [Instructor] Now that we've applied some geometric constraints, I'm gonna go through and apply some dimensional constraints. So I'm gonna double click on my sketch to reactivate it. Now that I'm back in the sketch, you'll notice, down at the bottom, in the queue line, it's telling me sketch is fully constrained with three auto dimensions. These auto dimensions. Again, I have the switch turned off. So if I turn that switch on, you'll see those dimensions. Remember, if it's an auto dimension, you can see that it's kind of under intensified. It has a value associated to it, but if I grab one of the curves and move that curve, you'll see those dimensions update. And they're not necessarily fixed. What the system's doing is, that it's basically guessing at a bunch of dimensions. So they're not hard dimensions, they're not dimensions that are locking anything down. It's just the way the system is telling you that you need some additional constraints to fully constrain the sketch. We're…
