From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Boolean functions

Boolean functions

- [Narrator] Now I want to talk about booleans. Booleans are basically what you can do with volumes that share space. Now, you saw them in extrude and in revolve, there's a little area within each of those that let allows you to set a boolean type. So, you can perform what's called a boolean on the fly, or you can do the boolean once the solid is created, which is often necessary, you may want to do things to the solid, apply lens, those type of things, just sort of mimic machined operation, and then, perform the boolean. So, it's solely dependent upon your modeling techniques, how you go about designing your parts. Now, here, I have two separate volumes. I have solid here, solid here, and there's a bit a of shared space in between the two. Now, there's three types of booleans. You have Unite, Subtract, and Intersect. If I go to Unite, you'll notice it starts out with Target Body, Tool Body. There's only one Target Body, but you can have as many Tool Bodies as you want. Think of the…
