From the course: Learning SAP SD (Sales and Distribution)

Create a customer business partner - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: Learning SAP SD (Sales and Distribution)

Create a customer business partner

- [Instructor] Customer records are crucial for the entire sales process. From inquiry to the cash application after a sale is made and the product is delivered, none of this works without accurate customer records. We'll now step through creating a customer in SAP and start by entering transaction code bp and pressing Enter. We'll close out of our locator because we want to create a new customer. The locator is useful when we're searching for partners that have already been created. We'll click on Organization because we want to create an organization. The Create in BP Role is extremely important as this selection determines what information about our customer we can edit. I'll click the drop-down and choose Customer. We're prompted with an error and we want to select Create because we're okay with creating our customer in a different business partner role. There are only six fields that are required with a red asterisk before we can save and create this customer. We'll fill them in now. First is name. We'll enter the name of this customer, which is Seattle Retailers. We'll scroll down to address information. We'll enter the postal code, which is 98101. Next is the city, which is Seattle. Next, we'll enter the country. We'll enter US for United States. Then in the region field, we'll enter WA for Washington State. We'll scroll down some more. And under the Communication heading, we need to enter a language. We'll choose English. Of course, you can fill out any of the additional fields that may be helpful to sell to this customer. Now, you'll notice when I click this drop-down, we have 12 tabs with fields that may or may not be important for an organization. Because we are in the customer business partner role, we also have Customer - General Data, Customer - Tax Data, Customer - Additional Data, Customer - Unloading Points, and Customer - Texts available to edit. The Customer - General Data and Additional Data tabs allows us to add more information that is specific to this customer. The Customer - Tax Data tab allows us to add tax information and the Customer - Unloading Points deal with shipping delivery information. Finally, the Customer - Text tab is where you can make specific freeform notes about this customer. I'll click on that tab now. Let's edit a billing instruction. We'll scroll down and click the checkbox next to Billing Instruction. Scroll down some more and choose Edit Text. The system opens a word processing screen where we can type and format text that we'll type. We'll enter, Customer requires itemized invoice. And we'll save this note. We'll now press Cancel to return. When we scroll back up, we can see that the long text has our note next to Billing Instruction. We can now save this customer by pressing Save. We have an information message at the bottom in the status bar, showing us that this customer has been created and assigned a number ending in 308. To be able to use this customer in our required sales area, we have to extend it to the area. To do this, we'll click More, Sales and Distribution. The system has put us into display mode, so we must select Switch Between Display and Change. We want to extend this customer to sales organization 1710. So we'll click the match code button next to Sales Org. We'll double-click the line item that houses sales organization 1710, distribution channel 10 in division 00. We'll now save our customer. The system lets us know this customer has been changed and the sales area has been defined.
