From the course: Learning SAP SD (Sales and Distribution)

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Billing and returns reporting

Billing and returns reporting

- [Instructor] There are quite a few standard SAP reports that deal with billing and returns. Let's look at a list of billing documents report. We'll enter transaction code VF05N and press enter. This brings us to a list of billing documents selection criteria screen. There are many ways we can run this report. We could run this report by customer by entering the customer number in the field. The billing date is the day the billing is processed and posted to accounting. We want to run this report so it's a little bit broader. To do this, we'll go down to organizational data and enter 1710 for the sales organization. The open billing documents checkbox is checked, showing that we'll run this report to include billing documents that are in the open status. Finally, we want to also see billing documents that have been moved over to Finance. So we'll check the box next to Billing Documents in Fi. Now we can execute this report. This brings up all the billing documents we have in our…
