From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

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Fiori apps demo: Lookup actions

Fiori apps demo: Lookup actions - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

Fiori apps demo: Lookup actions

- [Instructor] Now let me show you another app that we can try out. This one has nothing to do with approving anything, this is a lookup app, and a good example for this is the employee look up. All right so let's say we're looking for employee information, one of our colleagues, the same concept would apply if you wanted to look up a customer or look up a vendor or look up a material master record. The concept is the same. There would be a different app for it, but the way you work with the app would be exactly the same. So I click on the employee lookup, again it takes a second to load, I can now simply type in the employee name here, search for it, or this is me, or supposed to be me, I'm going to click on my hierarchy that shows me my department so to speak. So it says here that my name is Timmy Tabasco and I'm the manager of payroll and here are my direct reports, here's the team that reports to me. All right, it has my contact information here. Notice this link where it says…
