From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

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Fiori apps demo: Approving actions

Fiori apps demo: Approving actions - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: Learning SAP Fiori: End User

Fiori apps demo: Approving actions

- [Instructor] Let me show you how you can work with some of the HR-related tiles. For example, let's say we want to approve some timesheets. The app is right here, it tells me that there are 16 pending entries, 16 timesheets I still need to approve. So let's click on here. It loads the app, takes a second or two. And now it shows me the app. So this is organized by week. So this week, July third through the ninth, there's one timesheet for eight hours submitted by Matthew Black that I need to approve. If I go into the next week here, there's several other timesheets with time entries waiting for approval. And I can go into next week and so on. So if I click on one of these items now, notice that the Approve and Reject buttons just lit up. So because I selected this, I can now either approve or reject that time entry. So let me do that, so I selected this five hours, this was for June ninth, status is waiting for approval. I looked at it, said, yep, this looks good, I'm going to…
