From the course: Learning PCB Design with OrCAD

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How to fix PCB footprint errors

How to fix PCB footprint errors - OrCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning PCB Design with OrCAD

How to fix PCB footprint errors

- [Instructor] What if I told you that, after all that hard work building a schematic and a PCB, that two of the parts changed midway through the design because they're no longer in stock? Does that mean you need to start over? Luckily, it doesn't. So your part information changed and you need to reflect this in OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor. Have your project open in OrCAD Capture. Locate the parts that need to be updated with new information from DigiKey. That would be parts C3 and C4. Hold down the control key to select both of them, right-click, then edit properties. We've learned that there's a new DigiKey part number, and it is the same graphic properties. However, instead of a 0805 package type, we need to go with a 1206 package type, and that would be this capacitor here. Let's go ahead and copy the DigiKey part number, and we'll use it to overwrite both of the DigiKey part numbers for the design. Right-click and choose edit. Paste the DigiKey part number in the fields, click…
