From the course: Learning PCB Design with OrCAD

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Generate manufacturing files

Generate manufacturing files - OrCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning PCB Design with OrCAD

Generate manufacturing files

the information they need to fabricate the printed circuit board and also, to assemble the parts on that PCB. In PCB editor, go to the design workflow window, select manufacturing deliverables and we're going to start with artwork, gerber files. You can set whatever color view you presently have on the canvas to its own film control folder. If you expand the folder, you'll see that it has all the information we added from the color view. Now, I'm going to go ahead and not use the shortcut, I happen to have a list memorized here and it's in your support files for this lecture. Just go ahead, right-click, and instead of choosing add, which is just going to add the same layers that you see here anyway, let's add manual. Let's start from the bottom of the PCB, we'll call it bot mask, click OK. And what we need to add to the bottom solder mask, which is what bot mask stands for, we would add the pin class and the subclass would be solder mask bottom, check mark that option. Then do the…
