From the course: Learning OpenShift

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Solution: Show how to install CRC on Linux

Solution: Show how to install CRC on Linux - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

Solution: Show how to install CRC on Linux

(bright upbeat music) - [Instructor] To install OpenShift Local, open your web browser and navigate to Download the latest release of OpenShift Local and the pull secret file. You can select versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. In the case of the Mac, you can choose between Intel and Apple Silicon binaries. Unzip the file containing the OpenShift Local executable using the xz and tar commands. Then, copy or move the crc executable into your path. Run the command, crc setup. Once the crc setup command is ready, launch crc start. Running crc start can take a long time, around 20 minutes on a recent PC. Once started, you can access the cluster using the provided credentials.
