From the course: Learning OpenShift

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Solution: Deploy a microservices application

Solution: Deploy a microservices application - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

Solution: Deploy a microservices application

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this challenge, you will deploy a small application following the microservices architecture and observe the communication between the different services as you use them. On the terminal, log into your OpenShift local cluster as the kubeadmin user and verify the current project where you're working. Start by making sure, on the Administrator perspective of the web console, that the following operators, all provided by Red Hat, are installed in your cluster and that their status is Succeeded. The Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform, the Kiali Operator, and the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh. You can install operators using the OperatorHub if needed. On the terminal, apply the file 01-service-mesh.yaml to enable the service mesh for your project. This will also create a project called service-mesh-test. Edit the YAML provided to deploy the application in the file 02-app.yaml…
