From the course: Learning OpenShift

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Red Hat OpenShift tools

Red Hat OpenShift tools - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift tools

- [Instructor] Red Hat OpenShift is a complete DevOps platform, extending Kubernetes in various ways. It offers a web console and command-line tools, specifically tailored to make the life of developers and cluster administrators easier. The most visible aspect of OpenShift is its integrated graphical web console. Cluster users and administrators can use the web console to perform many common operations on a cluster. Deploy applications from various sources, including containers, git projects, source to image, and more, scale applications vertically, increasing the number of povs of a deployment. Verify the health of applications, using the built-in logging screens, and the integrated Promethean support and configuring alerts. Manage storage for their applications, verifying the amount of free space and provisioning more space if needed. The OpenShift web console has different perspectives. The developer perspective…
