From the course: Learning OpenShift

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OpenShift operators and templates

OpenShift operators and templates - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

OpenShift operators and templates

- [Instructor] Let's talk about OpenShift templates and operators, both powerful ways to create and deploy applications on OpenShift. Operators are a powerful way to automate the deployment and management of Kubernetes native applications on OpenShift. They are software extensions that act like vendors engineering team monitoring the cluster state and making decisions in real time. Operators can provide automation at every level of the stack from the platform components to the applications that run on top of it. Operators can be written with Helm charts, Ansible playbooks, or programing languages, such as Go or Java. They are then packaged with the operator framework and are deployed and managed through operator hub, a registry of certified operators from software vendors and open source project. Users can browse and install operators from the operator hub with a few clicks and get updates and patches automatically.…
