From the course: Learning OpenShift

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Logging and adding probes to applications

Logging and adding probes to applications - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

Logging and adding probes to applications

- [Instructor] Once your applications are up and running, it is essential to keep an eye on them. The good news is that OpenShift makes it trivial to monitor the behavior of your cloud native applications at runtime. OpenShift comes bundled with various open source and standard tools, such as Prometheus and Kibana. No need to install them separately. Following Kubernetes best practices and the 12-Factor App Principles, your cloud native applications should be publishing their log messages as a stream of data directly sent to standard output, so that standard Kubernetes tools can process it. Your application events should be sent one event per line directly to the STDout of your process. The easiest way to check the logs of your pods is to use the web console. In the Topology screen of the developer perspective, we can see a Top net application running, writing data to a PostgresQL database. Clicking on the application…
