From the course: Learning OpenShift

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Deploying and debugging containers

Deploying and debugging containers - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

Deploying and debugging containers

- [Instructor] Developers use OpenShift to deploy, run, and monitor containerized applications. They can deploy containers in OpenShift clusters through various means. For example, using YAML manifests, deploying containers via the web console, building projects stored in a Git repository and deploying the resulting container, using the integrated CI/CD pipelines, using odo with dev files. Let's see how to use the web console and the odo tool. DevOps engineers can deploy applications immediately using the web console. Select the developer perspective and first create a project. Clicking on the create a new project link, let's call it first. On the left-hand side, the prospective menu shows an entry called +Add providing various mechanisms to deploy applications on an OpenShift cluster. The developer catalog offers a choice of databases, message queues, and other valuable components to build applications extensible…
