From the course: Learning OpenShift

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Challenge: Setup a CI/CD pipeline on your cluster

Challenge: Setup a CI/CD pipeline on your cluster - OpenShift Tutorial

From the course: Learning OpenShift

Challenge: Setup a CI/CD pipeline on your cluster

- [Instructor] In this challenge, we will download source code from GitLab and build a container image, which we will store later on the OpenShift Container Registry. But instead of leaving OpenShift to do the work automatically for us, we will manually create a pipeline and its steps, then run it to verify that the execution was a success. The steps of the challenge are the following. Make sure Tekton is installed in your cluster. Create a Tekton workspace. Create a pipeline with a clone task, using the project shown on screen as parameter. Create a Kaniko task to build a container and store the container in the local registry. Good luck.
