From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Solution: Fix broken syntax

Solution: Fix broken syntax - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Solution: Fix broken syntax

(lively music) - [Instructor] Let's take a look at the solutions to this challenge. The first command CD ~/home/Scott is incorrect because it's unlikely that within my home folder, which is represented by the tilde there would be another path with the exact same path as my home folder. So we can correct this command in two ways. We can either turn it into just CD space tilde to move into my home directory, or we could present it as CD / home / Scott using the absolute path to my home directory. The next question LS / home is incorrect because the LS command is capitalized. You may have noticed so far that all of the commands that we've been using have been lowercase and that's because at the command line command names are case sensitive. So we can correct this by using lowercase ls / home. The third question, MV ~/log.tar.gz space home space Scott is incorrect because the move command only takes two arguments.…
