From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Solution: Find command information

Solution: Find command information - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Solution: Find command information

(Upbeat music) - [Narrator] Here is how I solve these challenges. To answer the first question, What does the command stat my file dot txt do? We can use man stat to discover that it will show files statistics for my file dot txt. Let's do that here in the command line. I'll write man stat to look up the stat command in the manual pages. Here under the name section, I can see that stat displays file or file system status. And in the synopsis section, I can see that the usage is to use the command stat followed by a file name. To answer the second question, what does the command DF dash H slash do? Again, we can use the man pages. Looking up the command DF to discover that it shows disc utilization of the root file system in a human readable way. Again, let's take a look at that in the command line. To look up the DF command I'll use man DF and under the name section, I can see that DF reports file system disk…
