From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Solution: Create and share a file

Solution: Create and share a file - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Solution: Create and share a file

(upbeat music) - Let's take a look at how I solve this challenge. First, in order to create a file, I wrote vi, and I created a file called my new file. Then in vi, I used the lowercase i key to move into insertion mode and I typed some text. When I finished that, I pressed escape colon, WQ to save the file. The second part of the challenge was to ensure that anyone that uses the system can read and write this file. So to get started working on that, I took a look at the current permissions of this file. With stat, my new file. And here I found that the access was 664 or, read write for the user, read write for the group and read only for everyone else. In order to allow any user to read and write this file, I'll need to change the permissions. I can do that with chmod a for all users, + to add and RW for read write. And then I'll provide the name of my file. Taking a look at the file again with stat,…
