From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Modify file permissions

Modify file permissions - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Modify file permissions

- [Instructor] Let's practice changing permissions on files. I have a small batch script here. Called Which is a simple program that just prints out a line of text when we run it. To run this, I can treat it like a command using a period and a slash in front of it. The period refers to the current working directory and the slash it tells the shell to look inside there to find this program. Doing this, the shell will run or execute my program. An executable file means the file can be run as a program on its own without having to be loaded into another program first. Again, this file is just an example. And if you're curious to learn more about writing programs with Bash, take a look at learning Bash scripting here on LinkedIn Learning. Let's take a look at the permissions on this file. I'll write ls -l test.h. Here in the permission mode string, I can see that my user can read, write and execute. Anyone in the…
