From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Finding help for commands

Finding help for commands - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Finding help for commands

- [Instructor] If you see an experienced Linux user typing away at the command line, or you see a snippet of Bash commands in a tutorial, a guide, or documentation, it can seem like memorizing the ins and outs of commands and options is the only way to be productive and understand what's going on. But everybody starts somewhere, and even experienced command line users don't memorize everything. Albert Einstein is credited with saying he didn't carry certain technical information in his mind because it was readily available in books. And as with so much information in programming and the technical world, it's just not practical to try to memorize all of the syntax and options of command line tools. Of course, it's important to learn and remember the basics, but while we're getting started, we only need to remember a few commands. The first one is man, which stands for the manual pages. We can think of the man pages as a…
