From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Find system hardware and disk information

Find system hardware and disk information - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Find system hardware and disk information

- [Narrator] Let's take a look at finding out some information about the hardware and system resources in the system we're working with. If we're using a physical computer or a virtual machine we set up ourselves, we know some information about it. Like how much memory it has, what kind of processing resources it has and how much hard drive space there is. But if we're working on a remote system or one someone else set up for us, it can be helpful to get a sense of what the available resources are and what hardware a system has. Linux offers many ways to find out all kinds of details about the hardware that makes up a computer, but let's just take a high-level look at some common resources that might be relevant to us, if we're using a Linux system. First, let's find out how much memory this machine has. To do this, I'll use the free command with the -h option for human readable output. Here under total memory, I…
