From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Edit text with nano

Edit text with nano

- Some Linux distributions include a lightweight text editor called nano. It can be installed on many other distros as well. It's quite a bit simpler than Vim, so many people prefer it, though it does lack some power user features that Vim enthusiasts will miss. We'll take a quick look here and I encourage you to explore the course Learning nano for more details. I'm working here in Ubuntu desktop, which comes with nano already installed. In my terminal I'll type nano to launch nano. Already we can see that nano is a little bit more user-friendly than Vim, especially because it provides a list of some common commands right at the bottom of the screen. The caret character, the little upward angle, represents the control key as we saw earlier. So these key combinations are Control G for help, Control O for write out or save the file, and so on. I'll write some text here. I can move around the screen, which is called the…
