From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Copy, move, and delete files and directories

Copy, move, and delete files and directories - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Copy, move, and delete files and directories

- [Instructor] It's pretty common to need to move copy and delete files from the command line. In fact, a lot of experience command line users prefer using the command line for file management because in some cases, and if you're accustomed to doing so, it can be a lot faster to type commands than to navigate and drag files around with a mouse on screen. The first command I want to introduce here is CP for copy. Let's make a duplicate copy of our poems dot TXT file. To do that I'll write CP, space poems dot TXT, space poems two dot TXT. The first file name argument to the CP command is the file we want to copy and the second file name argument is where we want to copy it to. I'll press enter and then I'll take a look at the contents of this directory with LS and there's poems two dot TXT. We can also copy a file to a different path. For example, we can copy our simple data dot TXT file to our employee info sub folder…
