From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Using fix versions

Using fix versions - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Using fix versions

- [Instructor] Another Jira software feature is fix versions and releases. A fix version is a grouping of issues by date or time period. This field is typically used to signify issues in a specific software release. As noted earlier, it's common to use the format major.minor.patch, but your organization might have a different convention. Read more about the semantic versioning specification at the URL shown. There are many ways to associate issues with versions. First, look for the fix version field on the right sidebar of any issue. You may need to expand one of the sidebar sections to see it. If the field isn't on the screen and your team uses the versions feature, ask your Jira administrator to add it. Click the field to display a dropdown menu of existing versions. If the needed version isn't in the list, ask a project administrator to add it. If you have the needed permission, you'll see a create new version…
