From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Using filter subscriptions

Using filter subscriptions - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Using filter subscriptions

- [Instructor] Remember in the last section when I recommended being proactive by not waiting to receive Jira email notifications? Well, I still stand by that advice. But there's one place where email notifications are useful. It's called a filter subscription. I use this feature to remind myself to complete certain tasks, catch a data problem, or detect undesired user behavior. Subscriptions also work well for recurring tasks, like quarterly maintenance, or reminders, like deactivating a user when they leave the company next month. Let's create a filter subscription to see how they work. Subscriptions are created from any save filter. In the last section, we did a search, created a custom filter, and clicked the details link to set permissions. The subscription settings are lower in that same details menu. Click new subscription at the bottom. Next, choose the desired settings. Use the recipients field to choose who…
