From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Solution: Create a custom board

Solution: Create a custom board - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Solution: Create a custom board

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Were you able to create a custom board? Here's how to do it. From the Boards page, click Create Board on the top right. In the overlay, choose Scrum or KanBan, then select a data source. Finally, enter a unique name, select the associated project, and in cloud, choose where to store the board. Then click the form submission button. Now let's make some customizations. Click the ellipsis to access the settings. On the Columns page, select the desired constraint. on the Swimlanes page, add a lane. On the Quick Filters page, add a filter. And on the Estimation page, change the statistic. Finally click the Back to Board button and review the result.
