From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Example dashboards

Example dashboards - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Example dashboards

- [Instructor] Let's look at some example dashboards so you can get ideas for your own custom version. These first examples are from Jira Cloud. Here's my real personal dashboard, and my production application. I start and end each day by looking at this information. On the left are business goals for the quarter, and issues assigned to me. On the right, a reminder blocks for various consulting agreements. At the bottom right is a stream showing recent Jira activity. I also use the Atlassian tools outside of work to track personal growth items. This dashboard tracks personal goal progress. Displays a heat map to highlight common themes. Shows a pie chart for progress on my bucket list. And calculates various statistics, percentages, and work logs. In case it doesn't translate, a bucket list is a list of things I want to achieve or experience before the end of my life. I think things are going well so far.…
