From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Dashboard overview

Dashboard overview - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Dashboard overview

- [Instructor] Dashboards provide powerful insights, statistics, and high-level views to monitor the health of a release, progress on an initiative, or your custom set of important issues. A dashboard is a statistic-based view of issues. Dashboards are powered by one or more JQL filters. A gadget displays dynamic content on a Jira Dashboard. There are many types of gadgets, like charts, graphs, and lists. Jira comes with a default system dashboard for everyone to share. The dashboard can only be customized by an application administrator. You can distinguish this dashboard from others using the URL. The default dashboard ID is always 10,000. At the top's an introduction block, and a list of issues assigned to me. On the bottom is a list of projects I have access to, and a list of recent changes. The default dashboard in your application might look a little different. We covered accessing dashboards in the basic…
