From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Common issue types

Common issue types - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Common issue types

- [Instructor] In this section, we'll discuss specific issue types and their common uses. As previously defined, individual records in Jira are called issues. Jira comes with multiple issue types, and your Jira administrator can add additional custom types when there's a business need. When the issue is created, a project is selected first, then an issue type is selected. Let's discuss the standard software issue types and how most organizations use them. An epic is an agile term describing a large body of work that's typically broken down into many small accomplishable pieces. For example, the marketing team wants to redesign the company website. Well, that sounds like a lot of work, so let's break it down into more manageable chunks using other issue types. A redesign epic might include issues like adding new pages to the navigation, updating the site map file, incorporating new graphic files, and more. In other…
