From the course: Learning Jira Software

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Challenge: Create a custom filter

Challenge: Create a custom filter - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira Software

Challenge: Create a custom filter

- [Narrator] Here's the scenario. Let's create a filter to find old issues that weren't completed last year, then we can use the list to prioritize the issues or close them if they aren't important. We know four pieces of information. You are the reporter, the issues contain the word website. The issues haven't been updated in a month, and the issues were due last year, but weren't completed. Visit the JIRA search page, enter a JQL query, execute the search and save the filter. Now, I made this query a little complicated on purpose. Don't be overwhelmed, just write the JQL for the first bullet point and test the result. If it works as expected, then add a clause for the next bullet point and so on. It's possible that there are no issues in your JIRA application that meet this criteria. That's all right, just modify the query to fit the available data.
