From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Xilinx implementation demo

Xilinx implementation demo - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

Xilinx implementation demo

- [Instructor] So let's take a look at my solution for the other application on the Xilinx Board. First, in line 21, we have the module definition, and this definition uses some inputs that were not in the previous example. For instance, we have in line 24 an input that is called ClockIn, that's the 100 megahertz clock line on the board. We have an array of Anodes, that is an array of four registers. These are the controllers for the transistors we just saw in the schematic diagram. And scrolling down, there is an array I want you to pay attention to. It's this one in line 32. This is tri array of four lines called DecoderInput. Now the tri type of wire is a special wire that can be driven by a Tristate buffer. TriState buffers are special primitive buffers in digital electronics that provide three logical states. One, zero, and a high impedance state, which is electrically equivalent to being disconnected. This is how most bus architectures work. So in line 37, we can see the…
