From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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FPGA families and development boards

FPGA families and development boards - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

FPGA families and development boards

- [Narrator] Let's take a look at the currently available FPGA families by Xilinx and Intel. The latest FPGA families from Xilinx are called the 7 Series. These are ordered in increasing capabilities. The Spartan, the Artix, the Kintex, and the Virtex families. I encourage you to read about these families of FPGAs and their recommended applications in the Xilinx website. Roughly their respective competing families by Altera are the Max, the Cyclone, the Arria and the Stratix families. You can read about these as well in Intel's website. Now let me show you the development boards you will see in this course. For the Xilinx FPGA application I'll use a Basys 3 Board created by Digilent. This board contains some basic input output devices like switches, buttons, LEDs and segment displays as well as a VGA port and a set of general purpose connectors. There is no onboard VGA controller because you're supposed to implement it in the FPGA. You can do this with an IP core or with a design of…
