From the course: Learning FPGA Development

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Demo system for the Xilinx platform

Demo system for the Xilinx platform - FPGA Tutorial

From the course: Learning FPGA Development

Demo system for the Xilinx platform

- [Instructor] Now for the Xilinx system, I need you to take a look at the basis three board reference manual. Here we have the schematic diagram of the basic input output on the board. At the center we have the Artix-7 FPGA and at the bottom we have the seven-segment display architecture. As you can see the bottom lines are the segment cathode activators and the top lines, the ones that are connected to those transistors are the anode activators. The way you use this display is by activating one anode that is you're activating one single digit and the number you are sending out in the cathode lines is the number that will be displayed at that particular digit. If you turn on all four anodes the same number will display in all four digits. This is not what we want, so this is implemented in this way to save the number of pins you are going to use in driving all of those digits and the way to use this display is to blink all of the digits one at a time showing the appropriate number…
