From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations

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Wire a pushbutton to Arduino

Wire a pushbutton to Arduino - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations

Wire a pushbutton to Arduino

- All right, so the first thing that we know is that the first side of the push button, that goes to the VCC. So we are going to use the five volts from the Arduino, and I'm going to use the common power here, and I'll connect it to the push button. All right. So this is the very first side. Now, the second thing is that the other side of the push button is connected to 10K resistor. All right. And there resister is going to ground, so I'm going to connect it here, and then I'll connect the ground to the Arduino board right here. All right. So the final thing is connecting between the push button and the resistor and connect that to pin 12 on our Arduino board. Okay. So now we're ready. We've done the wiring. So let's go ahead and start coding.
