From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations

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The Arduino layout

The Arduino layout

- [Narrator] Let's take a look at the layout of our Arduino board. The Arduino Uno is one of the most commonly used units for prototypes that require a simple microcontroller. There's a standard USB port for connecting the unit to the computer. The USB port is also used for powering the Arduino Uno board, uploading the program sketches into the Arduino, and for communication. The power connector is used to provide power to the Arduino board when it's not plugged into the USB port. It accepts voltage between nine and 15 volt, depending on the board. You can also see the voltage regulator beside it. Now you can see the power pins here. These provides five volt, 3.3 volt, and ground connections to power your circuit. The reset button is used to reset the Arduino board back to its default state and for debugging purposes. The Arduino Uno has 14 digital input and output interfaces. There are six digital interfaces for pulse…
