From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations

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Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) - Arduino Tutorial

From the course: Learning Arduino: Foundations

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

- [Instructor] A light-emitting diode, as the name says it, is a diode that emits light. Basically, LEDs are just tiny light bulb that fits easily into an electrical circuit. A diode is a device that allows current to flow in only one direction. LEDs have polarity, which means that will only light up if you orient the legs properly. This is the LED Schematic Symbol, anode for the positive side and cathode for the negative side. There's normally no label on the case to identify the leads. The leads are identified by either the difference in length, so the longer one is the anode and the shorter one is the cathode. Another way to identify the cathode terminal is by either a notch or a flat spot on the case. So the lead closest to the flat area is the cathode pin. In any practical application, an LED requires the use of a resistor. The resistor there is to ensure that the maximum current rating of the LED will not be…
