From the course: Leading Effectively

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Strengthen external relationships

Strengthen external relationships

From the course: Leading Effectively

Strengthen external relationships

- It's not enough for your team members to just build morale within your team. Team members should build and strengthen stakeholder relationships outside your team too. Assess the extent to which this person improves relationships with stakeholders like business partners and clients. Take a look at the following to see if they're doing it well. They should be getting good feedback from these external parties. They should be seen as a trusted advisor to represent you and your team. People should be asking to work with this person and they should build your team's relationship goodwill. If they're not doing this well, you're probably going to hear bad or no feedback about this individual from these external parties. They won't be seen as a trusted ambassador of your team. People might avoid working with this person. And over time, they're going to drain your team's relationship goodwill. I coached one executive who had a member of his team who was not doing this well. She was causing…
