From the course: Leading Effectively

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Quantity of results

Quantity of results

- The first thing to look at when assessing team member results is the quantity of work they're getting done. What's the quantity of their results compared to what you expect of them? Let's compare what meeting versus falling short of expectations could look like. The quantity of work delivered should be equal in work load to their peers. You don't want someone who's responsible for a little bit of work when you're asking everyone else on the team to do a lot of work. You want that work complexity to be comparable to that of their peers, and their work should meet or exceed goals that you set for them. The quantity of work shouldn't be smaller in workload than their peers or lower complexity versus their peers, and it certainly shouldn't fall short of the goals you've set. Think of someone you've led who delivered a high quantity of results. What differentiated them? How did you measure them? How about someone who delivered few results? How did you measure them? How did you set their…
