From the course: Leading Effectively

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How to direct your team

How to direct your team

- Let's look at directing activities, and what doing them right or wrong looks like. If you'd like a deeper dive into some of these topics, take a look at my course on Setting Team and Employee Goals. The three activities, in terms of directing, are planning, where you're translating your vision into team and individual goals. Prioritizing, where you're turning individual goals into team priorities, and coordinating, using your position to provide a broader perspective to the members of your team. In terms of planning, it should be about team goals, and reviewing those goals. You should be approving the team members goals when they bring them to you. It shouldn't be about driving individual tactics, drafting their goals for them, or renegotiating those goals on a regular basis. Prioritizing is done at the team level. You should be deciding what the top priorities are, and what the things are that you're not going to work on. Prioritization should be done routinely. It's not a one-off…
