From the course: Leading Effectively

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Develop your people

Develop your people

- Developing your team means you're training them, coaching them and promoting them to help them advance their careers. Here are some keys to doing a great job of developing your people. In terms of training, you should be training them on new skills. You should be helping them apply what they learn in training to their day-to-day job. You should also be identifying skill gaps that these individuals have. Training should not be about training them on expected skills. You shouldn't be doing a lot of retraining, and you should not be identifying specific training activities for them. Coaching is about coaching them to overcome new challenges. Coaching them to have high impact on whatever tasks they're doing, and coaching does require critical feedback at the moment it's warranted. Coaching should not be routine. It shouldn't be a security blanket for the members of your team. And you shouldn't be following up constantly on tasks that you've given them. Promoting activities fall in two…
