From the course: Leading Effectively

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Deliver the work

Deliver the work

- A leader's role in delivering the work requires them to monitor progress, correct work that needs fixed, and repair work that was done incorrectly. Consider these approaches to ensure your team is delivering the work. In terms of monitoring, it should be goal focused. Your monitoring should be by exception, and hopefully when you're doing monitoring, it should be confidence building for the members of your team. Monitoring should not be tasked focused at the individual task level. It shouldn't be a total review of all the tasks your team members are working on. And hopefully, your monitoring is not stress-inducing for the members of the team. Correcting activities should be occasional. You should be dealing with first-time mistakes. You should be the final check on the deliverable. Correcting should not be every day. You shouldn't be correcting the same mistakes over and over, and you definitely should not be the first check of your team member's work. They should be doing that…
