From the course: Leading Effectively

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From the course: Leading Effectively

Compare investments and returns

- The leadership matrix is a great tool for leading effectively. It's a picture of where you're investing your time and energy and the results you're getting back from your people for that investment. You'll plot your team members on the leadership matrix to get an understanding of how you should be leading them. To build the leadership matrix, you're going to draw a two by two matrix. On the horizontal axis, go ahead and write Leadership Capital Invested. On the left side of the axis, write High. That's where you're investing a lot of time and energy. On the right side of the axis, write Low, where you're not investing very much. On the vertical axis of the leadership matrix, write Results Delivered. These are the results your team members are delivering. At the bottom of that axis, write Low, they're not delivering a lot of results, and on the top of the axis, write High. Now, you've got four quadrants where you can plot your people. Plot your team members on the leadership matrix…
