From the course: Leading Effectively

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Assess team member results

Assess team member results

From the course: Leading Effectively

Assess team member results

- Assessing team member results gives you an understanding of the return you're getting for your leadership capital investment in someone. List out the five criteria for assessing results, quality, quantity, timeliness, morale, and relationship building. You can use the template in the exercise file for this course. For each person on your team ask yourself, how their results compare to what's expected of them. This is an objective call for things like quantity and timeliness, but subjective for things like morale, relationship building, and quality. When you score your team, use a three point scale. If somebody is scoring a high, you give them two points. If they're scoring a medium, which is they're really meeting your expectations, you give them one point. And if they're below expectations, you give them zero. When you add up their scores on these valuation dimensions, if the score is six or higher, they're demonstrating high performance. If it's below six, you're looking at low…
