From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Use test results to stop a build

Use test results to stop a build - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Use test results to stop a build

- [Instructor] In the previous lesson, we saw how Jenkins can publish test reports. I also wanted to give a demonstration on how a test failure affects the pipeline stages that follow it. I'm logged into my Jenkins server, and I've set up a project that will build a pipeline similar to the one that we saw in the previous lesson. But this time the code has been modified to include a test that will always fail. We'll use that test to see how Jenkins reacts to a failure in the pipeline. Let's take a look at this configuration. I'm using the exercise files for this lesson, at least I'm using my fork of the exercise files for this lesson. At the time that I'm recording this, credentials are required to access the exercise files. By the time that you use this exercise file, you won't need to even worry about credentials. Under the branch specifier, I've changed the default from master to main, which is the branch…
