From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Solution: Develop a parameterized pipeline

Solution: Develop a parameterized pipeline - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Solution: Develop a parameterized pipeline

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this challenge, we're being asked to create a parameterized pipeline. I'm starting here in the exercise files for this challenge where there's a sample template that we can use to get started with the pipeline. So I'll click this icon here to copy the contents of the pipeline script to my clipboard. And then I'll go to my Jenkins server which I have opened in another tab here. I'll start by clicking New Item and I'll call this one parameterized-pipeline and then select Pipeline type. Click OK, and I'll go straight to the pipeline section and paste this in. And we've copied this in. I just want to make sure that everything is good here. I'm going to click Save and then Build Now, just to make sure that there's no problems with the template or anything like that. Okay, the build has completed, we have three stages. Looks great. Test, Deploy, and Report. So if I recall the challenge, we…
